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- Detecting approximate replicate components of a high-dimensional random vector with latent structure (2020). Xin Bing, Florentina Bunea and Marten Wegkamp. [ArXiv].
- Prediction in latent factor regression: Adaptive PCR and beyond (2020). Xin Bing, Florentina Bunea, Seth Strimas-Mackey and Marten Wegkamp. [ArXiv].
- Interpolation under latent factor regression models (2020). Florentina Bunea, Seth Strimas-Mackey and Marten Wegkamp. [ArXiv].
- Optimal estimation of sparse topic models, Xin Bing, Florentina Bunea, Marten Wegkamp. Journal of Machine Learning Research (2020). [ArXiv].
- Inference in interpretable latent factor regression models (2020). Xin Bing, Florentina Bunea and Marten Wegkamp. [ArXiv].
- Essential Regression (2019), Xin Bing, Florentina Bunea, Marten Wegkamp and Seth Strimas-Mackey. [ArXiv].
- Latent model-based clustering for biological discovery (2019), Xin Bing, Florentina Bunea, Martin Royer, Jishnu Das. iScience, 2019. ISSN 2589-0042. [PDF].
- Model-assisted variable clustering: minimax-optimal recovery and algorithms. Florentina Bunea, Christophe Giraud, Xi Luo, Martin Royer and Nicolas Verzelen. Annals of Statistics (2020). [ArXiv].
- High-Dimensional Inference for Cluster-Based Graphical Models. C. Eisenach, F. Bunea, Y. Ning and C. Dinicu. Journal of Machine Learning Research (2020).
- A fast algorithm with minimax optimal guarantees for topic models with an unknown number of topics. Xin Bing, Florentina Bunea and Marten Wegkamp. Bernoulli (2020). [PDF]. (Python code is coming soon. For the beta-version of the code, please contact
- Minimax Optimal Variable Clustering in G-models via Cord (2016). Florentina Bunea, Christophe Giraud and Xi Luo. [Arxiv].
- PECOK: a convex optimization approach to variable clustering (2016). Florentina Bunea, Christophe Giraud, Martin Royer, and Nicolas Verzelen. [Arxiv].
- Adaptive Estimation in Structured Factor Models with Applications to Overlapping Clustering. Xin Bing, Florentina Bunea, Yang Ning and Marten Wegkamp. Annals of Statistics (2020). (R-package is coming up soon. For the beta-version of the code, please contact
- Adaptive estimation of the rank of the coefficient matrix in high dimensional multivariate response regression models. Xin Bing and Marten Wegkamp. Annals of Statistics (2019) [Arxiv].
- Testing and Confidence Intervals for High Dimensional Proportional Hazards Model. Ethan X. Fang, Yang Ning, Han Liu. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 2017. [Arxiv][Code].
- Weak convergence of stationary empirical processes; Dragan Radulovic and Marten Wegkamp. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2017. [PDF].
- A Class of Weighted Estimating Equations for Semiparametric Transformation Models with Missing Covariates; Yang Ning, Grace Yi, Nancy Reid. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2017.[PDF].
- PLEMT: A Novel Pseudolikelihood Based EM Test for Homogeneity in Generalized Exponential Tilt Mixture Models; Chuan Hong, Yong Chen, Yang Ning, Shuang Wang, Hao Wu, Raymond Carroll. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2017. [R package].
- Discussion of Random-projection Ensemble Classification by Timothy I. Cannings and Richard J. Samworth.
Xin Bing and Marten Wegkamp. J. R. Statist. Soc. B 79(4), 1006-1007 (2017). [PDF].
- Semiparametric Gaussian copula classification. Yue Zhao and Marten Wegkamp. [Arxiv].
- Weak convergence of empirical copula processes indexed by functions. Dragan Radulovic, Marten Wegkamp and Yue Zhao. Bernoulli, Vol.23, No. 4B, 3346-3384 (2017). [PDF].
- Adaptive estimation of the copula correlation matrix for semiparametric elliptical copulas. Marten Wegkamp and Yue Zhao. Bernoulli, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1184-1226 (2016). [PDF].
- Convex banding of the covariance matrix. Jacob Bien, Florentina Bunea and Luo Xiao. To appear in the Journal of American Statistical Association (2015). [PDF].
- On the sample covariance matrix estimator of reduced effective rank population matrices, with applications to fPCA. Florentina Bunea and Luo Xiao, Bernoulli, Vol. 21, 1200-1230 (2015) [PDF].